داستان آبیدیک

meta analytic correlation


1 عمومی:: همبستگی فراتحلیلی

In addition, we performed meta-analytic path analyses (Viswesvaran & Ones, 1995) for the implications of leader humor expression (see Figure 1, for the overall conceptual model) in LISREL 8.80 (Jo�reskog & So�rbom, 1996), which required a meta-analytic correlation Like Zhao, Wayne, Glibkowski, and Bravo (2007), we incorporated published meta-analytic correla- tions provided by previous studies to generate the meta-analytic correlation matrix for path analy- ses. Based on the composed meta-analytic cor- relation matrix and considering the absence of some meta-analytic correlations in the matrix (e.g. Following Viswesvaran and Ones's (1995) recommendation, for the sample size of each path model, we calculated the harmonic mean of the sample sizes associated with the meta-analytic correlations. mediating effect of LMX on follower creative performance; however, we had to run this analysis separately due to the absence of the necessary meta-analytic correlations.

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